Thursday, November 7, 2013

Golden Icons

Photos from today's workshop with Lee-Jean Lin, "Golden Icons"--these projects were interesting to photograph!  Some caught the light just right, others didn't.  But all of them look way cooler than you'd expect from Model Magic and unglazed tile!

Don't forget to visit our Pinterest board for images of the Rosetta Stone and other Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Creating the design on wax paper, with black Model Magic

A design and its result

Docent projects

More docent projects

Thursday, October 3, 2013

And we're off! Photos from today's "Faces of Primitivism" workshop

The new year has begun! Today was the first docent training workshop of the season, as Stephanie Kohler presented "Faces of Primitivism."  Tyvek! Baby oil! Q-tips! Fun materials, fun results.  
Check it out:

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bonus Docent Training Workshop, 9/24/13

Want to be a knowledgeable, confident & thoughtful art instructor?

Then join us at the South Bay Hands On Art Docent Training Workshop

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
8:45 am -10:00 am
Parras Middle School cafeteria
200 N. Lucia Avenue
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Hosted by YaVanna Baird, topics will include creative teaching techniques, the importance of preparation and inspiring ways to introduce children to the wonders of art appreciation.

Refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP to YaVanna at

Friday, May 31, 2013

Annual Brunch--and next year's projects!

Hope you were able to attend this morning's year-end brunch--it's always fun to see the clever gifts school chairs give their wonderful docents, and the food was as wonderful and abundant as ever (thanks organizers!).  But the main event is the reveal of next year's projects, sooooo.... here they are (in the tentative order for next year--but that's subject to change):

Faces of Primitivism
students will explore lines, shapes, and colors
to create whimsical portraits
created by Stephanie Kohler

Golden Icons of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphs, students
use Model Magic and gold paint to create a
low-relief sculpture title
created by Lee-Jean Lin

Impressionistic Monet
using acrylic paint students create an
impressionistic painting inspired by Monet
created by Rosine Sorbum

Starry SoCal
inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, students
create an illusion of space and depth
by use of brushstroke and movement in
acrylic and oil pastel
created by Stephanie Kohler

Abstract Reverse Painting
students create an abstract painting using
a unique reverse painting technique inspired
by artist Kris Cahill
created by Dianne Dubin

Kinetic Illusions
students use markers and paper to create
optical and kinetic art inspired by artist
Yaacov Agam
created by Gloria Feldman

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Picasso's View

[Psst---yes, you---the photos are below, but look to your right----->  See that new link for all the details about Chalk It Up 2013?  Share that with all your local friends, and watch that link for more details!  Now on with the post.]

Photos from today's workshop with Marianne Coble.  Count the pigeons!  Are those doves fluttering high above the brunch spread?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Open House

One of the best parts of Hands on Art is seeing all the projects gathered together for displays on Open House nights at the schools.  Here's a photo from the Adams Middle School open house, tonight.
Good Things and Scottish Nights projects on display in Adams Middle School Library, April 25, 2013.

Chalk It Up 2013!

Get ready to chalk a new schoolyard, as Chalk It Up moves to Adams Middle School for 2013.  The event will be June 1, and will feature (as always) live entertainment, food vendors, shopping, and chalk chalk chalk.  More details coming soon, watch this space, and start planning for your square today!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Good Things in Life

Photos from our workshop this week on Romero Britto (b. 1963), a Brazilian contemporary artist, presented by Marcie Heaslet....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fanta-Sea Workshop

Here are some photos from the Thursday workshop for our fourth project, "Fanta-Sea," presented by Marianne Coble.  Watercolors? Check.  Collage? Check.  Pastels? Check.  Markers? Check!  Get ready to splatter, scrape, cut, and blow...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sumi-e Workshop

We met the Four Gentlemen and spent the Four Treasures at today's Hands on Workshop on sumi-e, a Japanese ink-painting tradition, presented by Erika Snow Robinson (who also wants you to come see her perform with the Beach Cities Symphony Orchestra--information here).   Don't forget to check out the South Bay Hands on Art board at Pinterest, for many more examples of sumi-e art.

Here are some photos from Thursday's workshop: